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Lordy lordy Lorde at Laneway Festival 2014. Photo by Daniel Boud.
Lordy lordy Lorde at Laneway Festival 2014. Photo by Daniel Boud.

As we find ourselves mid-Laneway 2025 – Auckland, Brisbane and Sydney done/dusted; Melbourne this weekend, then Adelaide and Perth to come – Wind Back Wednesday slips on the shorts, wipes a decade (or more, lots more) off the ID card and rejoins the fray of the (still) beloved and (still) alive festival.

Well, joins from a distance naturally. The distance being a decade-and-a-bit. Back when Sydney’s show was in its second home, Rozelle and praising the Lorde in public didn’t get you odd looks. Back when musk was a questionable stink your dodgy uncle put on, not a questionable uncle stinking the joint with dodgy acts. Back when Charli XCX was a name to be conjured with, not yet one to be spelt out on an Australian festival poster, but the ground was being laid for her by a chap called XXYYXX.

Were you there?




Callan Park, Rozelle February 2, 2014


ATMOSPHERE, LIKE MOMENTUM, IS  an ephemeral if not nebulous thing, beloved of reviewers as much as political pundits and sports commentators but hard to nail down. If you can’t see it, touch it or smell it, is it really happening or are we all just high on our own supply?

The thing is you know when it’s not there as those who attended the troubled (another favourite word of scribblers/talkers) Big Day Out reported after empty spaces and bands which had the whiff of the day before yesterday caught the eye more than anything else.

Whatever you call it, it’s hard to deny that the Laneway Festival was overflowing with something good and all but palpable. And not just because foresight, good luck and management which kept its word saw the hottest New Zealander on the planet, Lorde, bring some goth theatrics and electro pop to a corner of Rozelle when she could have been filling some venue in the USA or knocking back a coldie at Beyonce and Jay-Z’s pad.

(Incidentally, that combination of foresight, timing and honouring contracts 23 years ago was what saw Nirvana play at the first Big Day Out when they were in massive demand everywhere else. And didn’t that give the BDO some momentum?)

Esther Haim of ... yes, Haim. Photo by Daniel Boud
Esther Haim of ... yes, Haim. Photo by Daniel Boud

Under a hot sun which was balanced by occasional firm breezes, in a sold out space which still never felt too crushed (unless you were trying to see Jagwar Ma in the narrow Future Classic stage area) and in an audience which remained good humoured and attentive (when not lolling about in the shaded areas like an extended break between lectures) Laneway just felt right.

And mostly it sounded pretty right too, fresh and on-point wherever you looked. Adalita and Frightened Rabbit made everyone else look a little less committed and Dick Diver made everyone else look a lot more professional. Kurt Vile channelled Lou Reed and King Krule channelled a Weasley sibling (crossed with a cod-Jamaican Snape) while Chvrches resurrected Yazoo, Parquet Courts resurrected 1976 and Four Tet put you right back inside the trip you never quite shook during the last mid-semester break.

Even the mixed results came with something worth debating. Triple j hottest 100 winner Vance Joy has charm, of both the shy, sweet boy type and the unassuming, sweet folk/pop type, but for the moment his underwritten songs are differentiated mainly by whether they start slow and get a bit faster or start slow and stay slow. Will he build on this or float away?

Far more ready for their closeup were LA’s Haim who pulled the biggest and most committed crowd of the afternoon and lifted their not always special songs with some stage power, particularly in the guitar of Danielle Haim. But can they make their records sound as good as they are live?

It’s true that from Earl Sweatshirt playing tough to Jezabels playing dramatic, or from XXYYXX’s hard edges to Cloud Control’s fuzzy focus, you couldn’t really pin down a style to Laneway. But it had its own drive, its own sense of an enclosed world for 12 hours and if you wanted to, you could call that momentum and atmosphere.




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